Tiko-based NGO, Mukoko’s Hope Foundation officially kicked off their “Fight Against Drug Abuse” campaign today October 16th at Sure Foundation Comprehensive College, Tiko.
The day was characterized by interactive sessions with students looking at the cause and ways of curbing the prevalence of drug abuse in Tiko.
The week long campaign under the theme “Break Free: Choose Talent, Not Drugs” will see the NGO visiting various schools in Tiko sub-division to create more awareness and educate youths on the dangers of drug abuse.

Mary Ndinge Lyonga is a marketing assistant at Eagle Wings and Spice Located at Mutengene, Tiko Road.
She was once a Volunteer at the Tiko Council Community Radio for a period of 3 months under the Leadership of Mme Sarah Nkongho as the Station Manager. She is a graduate from the department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Faculty of Social and Management Science, University of Buea.