Over 70 Pupils in Tiko Sub-division from the less privilege family have received some didactic materials from an organization known as Changing Life Foundation.
The event took place last Saturday 4th November 2023, at the esplanade of the foundation’s headquarter in Street 7 beside Nazareth Baptist Church Tiko.
This wonderful gesture was done under the initiative of Mr Mbua Matofe President and Founder of the organization with Support from Ngwa Christian of Dubai.
Among the items distributed were books, pencils, rulers and pens. To Mr Mbua Matofe, he says “The need to support needy children is always high but the means is always limited, and as far as education is concerned parents should know that educating a child is educating a Nation. The kids should also take their studies seriously because that is the key to success”. He also calls on other elites especially those with good hearts to extend their hands to the less privilege.
It should be recalled that each and every kid that participated in the event went home with a smile on his/her face. The ceremony was marked with games such as asking of basic history questions as well as general knowledge questions.

Mary Ndinge Lyonga is a marketing assistant at Eagle Wings and Spice Located at Mutengene, Tiko Road.
She was once a Volunteer at the Tiko Council Community Radio for a period of 3 months under the Leadership of Mme Sarah Nkongho as the Station Manager. She is a graduate from the department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Faculty of Social and Management Science, University of Buea.