Cameroon government and German corporation join forces to combat water crisis in Tiko sub-division

Cameroon government and German corporation join forces to combat water crisis in Tiko sub-division with inauguration…

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College One workers of Tiko Council hail Mayor HRH Peter Ikome Mesoso for upgrading their standard of living.

College One staff of the Tiko Council today Monday April 22nd, 2024, came together to show…

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Tiko truck drivers thank Tiko Council for rehabilitation of roads

In other to ease the transportation of goods, services and gravel from Ombe native to major…

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Construction works at the Mutengene market to give it a new facelift now stands at 60 percent.

As the country drive towards emergency in 2035, Tiko Council, the gateway city under the stewardship…

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Mutengene Market goes daily after facelift

As Cameroon moves toward emergence 2035, the Tiko Council is leaving no stone unturned and has…

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FEICOM Chief of Service of Partnership Projects and Programs hails Tiko Council Mutengene Water Project

FEICOM Chief of Service of Partnership projects and programs, Mr. Edwin Fru has congratulated Tiko Council…

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Pavement of road from the Likomba bridge to begin this March 2024.

The road from Likomba bridge through Likomba market to the stretch of road towards Likomba Catholic…

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Civil Status Secretaries from some councils in Fako Division drill on mastery of the Digitalization Process

Civil Status Secretaries from Tiko, Buea, Limbe 1 and Idenau councils in Fako Division have been…

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Pavements work on the road from the Likomba bridge to begin soon

Barely a week into the 2024 financial year, Tiko Council under the stewardship of Mayor HRH…

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Tiko Council PIB Projects for 2023 execution rate satisfactory

A team from the Ministry of Economy Planning and Regional Development, MINEPAT Yaounde has classified PIB…

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