FEICOM Chief of Service of Partnership projects and programs, Mr. Edwin Fru has congratulated Tiko Council under the stewardship of Mayor, HRH Peter Ikome Mesoso III for the work done so far as concern the Mutengene Water Project.
Mr. Edwin Fru made the statement today Wednesday March 13th, 2024 after visiting one of the water reservoir tank at Mile 14 Dibanda and some water standby taps in Mutengene.
During the visit which he was accompanied by the Shepherd of Tiko Council, Mayor Mesoso III alongside his 4th Deputy Mayor, Waindim Rudolf, Council Communal Development Officer, HRH Mbollo Ndedi Yves Patrice and Chiefs of Litigation, Town Planning and Communication, the FEICOM Chief of Service of Partnership Projects and Programs listened to the reactions of some Mutengene denizens and passer-by who have benefitted from the precious liquid called water known by inhabitants of Mutengene as “Mesoso”, which to them has brought light and life in Mutengene.
The mayor and his delegation explained to the FEICOM official some of their challenges especially due to the fact that the Mutengene Water Project has not been officially handed to the Tiko Council for proper management.
Mayor HRH Peter Ikome Mesoso III went further that private individuals have applied for the consumption of the wàter, while others have been stealing water into their homes without the knowledge of the council for personal consumption which if it’s officially handed to the council, a Water Management Committee will be created to solve the problems.
It should be noted that the Mutengene Water Project under FEICOM and the KFW (German Cooperation) has so far supplied over 42 standby taps throughout the over 20 Quarters in Mutengene executed by Tiko Council under Mayor HRH Peter Ikome Mesoso III.

Ivo Ngong Mua is the Station Manager of Tiko Council community radio and Communication Officer of Tiko Council.
Has been Editor in Chief at Revival Gospel Radio Buea and Sports Presenter CMTV Buea. Presently Second Vice President Sports Journalists Association SW. Been practicing journalism since 2004.