Movement of persons and properties along the Likomba market Stretch of roads through Tchombes quarter now accessible

Tiko Council as part of it’s priority project in 2023, today carryout feasibility studies for the rehabilitation of roads in Likomba, a cosmopolitan neighborhood in Tiko sub Division.

The exercise headed by the Mayor, HRH Peter Ikome Mesoso III, accompanied by the Tiko Council Communal Development Officer, HRH Mbollo Ndedi Patrice, Chief of Works Abah Bruno, Town Planning Head Esunge John and officials from the Delegation of Public Works, visited the roads from the Likomba bridge through the market down Catholic Church Likomba and the pavement at Tchombes quarter.

The rehabilitation of the stretch of roads will ease the movement of persons and their properties in this neighborhood of Tiko as especially the road along the Likomba market has been a nightmare to the population.

According to Tiko Council communal Development Officer, HRH Mbollo Ndedi Patrice, rehabilitation of the roads will last for four months.

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