“After reviewing the state of livelihood of widows in the Tiko, our foundation realized that these women face a lot of challenges (oppression, stigma, loneliness and financial challenges) in taking care of their children and themselves.” – remarked Mr. Mukoko Tanga John, CEO of Mukoko’s Hope Foundation.
These factors affect women at different levels depending on their dependency ratio and financial incapacity. The Tiko
Subdivision of the Southwest region alone is home to over 300 widows, some of whom live in precarious, miserable and difficult situations.
Most of these women cannot take care of their children and home in the absence of their husbands because of limitations such as joblessness, financial dependence and no support from family members.
Such circumstances make it difficult for them to meet the day to day needs of the family and children’s education. In an attempt to relief these women from such difficulties, our foundation developed and executed a project with the aim of providing 100 widows with food and funding for business ideas.
The objectives of the project included;
- Administering free medical test on elements such as HIV, Blood Pressure and
Weight measurement. - Distribute food items to widows.
- Provide funding for 3 business ideas or projects presented by the widows.

Mary Ndinge Lyonga is a marketing assistant at Eagle Wings and Spice Located at Mutengene, Tiko Road.
She was once a Volunteer at the Tiko Council Community Radio for a period of 3 months under the Leadership of Mme Sarah Nkongho as the Station Manager. She is a graduate from the department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Faculty of Social and Management Science, University of Buea.