Second week into his tour to some major states in USA, to win aid/investment for the Tiko municipality, the Shepherd of Tiko Council HRH Peter Ikome Mesoso III yesterday Tuesday August 8th, 2023 visited a Native Village within the Municipality of Anchorage state of Alaska called Ektulna.
During his stay at Ektulna, Mayor Mesoso who is a traditional Ruler, decorated Chief Aaron Leggett, tribal leader of Ektulna and President of Ektulna Corporation.
Mayor Mesoso III also had exchanges with Chief Aaron Leggett that will go a long way to strengthen relationship between Tiko Municipality and the Native Village of Ektulna, a Municipality of Anchorage in the USA state of Alaska.

Ivo Ngong Mua is the Station Manager of Tiko Council community radio and Communication Officer of Tiko Council.
Has been Editor in Chief at Revival Gospel Radio Buea and Sports Presenter CMTV Buea. Presently Second Vice President Sports Journalists Association SW. Been practicing journalism since 2004.