The Shepherd of Tiko municipality, HRH Peter Ikome Mesoso III recently won the Life Time Media Award 2022/2023 Nation Builder in the Gold category.
The award which was handed to the Chief Shepherd of Tiko Municipality, Mayor HRH Peter Ikome Mesoso III by the CEO of Life Time Media Group, Tim Finnian, took place at the Tiko Council in the presence of the Secretary General at the council, Mrs. Eri Tatason, Chief of Administration, Mrs. Achanga Carolinda Bih and close collaborators of the mayor.
Handing the award to HRH Peter Ikome Mesoso III as the most outstanding Development oriented Mayor of the country, the CEO of life Time Media group, Tim Finnian made it clear that the Shepherd of Tiko Council was selected by a team of jury made of Twenty persons( Lawyers, journalists, Civil society leaders amongst others) who have been monitoring the activities of the mayor.
He went further that, Tiko Council Mayor HRHPeter Ikome Mesoso III should continue with his good job in his municipality and thanked him for the love he has for North Westerners, thus, promoting Regional and National integration.
The ceremony also saw the CEO of Life Time Media Group, Tim Finnian on behalf of the President General of the North West Fons decorated HRH Peter Ikome Mesoso III with the North West Traditional Regalia.
Mayor HRH Peter Ikome Mesoso III on his part thanked the Life Time Media Group for always watching what he has been doing at Tiko Council and extend his words to the president General of North west Fons for such gesture that one day he and his staff will visit him.
It should ne noted that the award by Life Time Media Group to Mayor Mesoso III as Best Oriented Development Mayor, adds to many as of recent he won the Best Mayor for the region and was honored by the PAN AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR DEVELOPMENT West Africa PAID-WA, Buea for the drastic Development he has been doing in the gateway city.

Ivo Ngong Mua is the Station Manager of Tiko Council community radio and Communication Officer of Tiko Council.
Has been Editor in Chief at Revival Gospel Radio Buea and Sports Presenter CMTV Buea. Presently Second Vice President Sports Journalists Association SW. Been practicing journalism since 2004.