One Tiko United, a group of Tikonians (people from Tiko) residing in the United States of America will in the days ahead donate medical equipment and carryout rehabilitation works on some health structures in Tiko municipality.
This was after a visit by some of the members of One Tiko United some days ago to the health structures. The visit that started with CMA Tiko town took the team that was accompanied by the Lord Mayor of Tiko Council, HRH Chief Peter Ikome Mesoso III, who also doubles as the chairman of the Health Board of Tiko municipality to CMA Mutengene, Integrated Health Centres Likomba and Mudeka.
During the tour, the members of One Tiko United thank the Lord Mayor, HRH Chief Peter Ikome Mesoso III for the wonderful job he has been doing in the municipality by transforming the Gateway City to an Eldorado. They also promised the mayor that they are behind him to make Tiko a better place.
The health structures’ management be it Chief of Centres or Chief Medical Officers told the One Tiko United members that they are happy to see the mayor bringing them to their rescue. They raised issues such as inadequate beds, matrasses, lack of generators among others.

Ivo Ngong Mua is the Station Manager of Tiko Council community radio and Communication Officer of Tiko Council.
Has been Editor in Chief at Revival Gospel Radio Buea and Sports Presenter CMTV Buea. Presently Second Vice President Sports Journalists Association SW. Been practicing journalism since 2004.