CCHRHA Brings Relief to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Tiko and Mutengene

The Coalition Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Assistance (CCHRHA) has been providing vital humanitarian aid to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Tiko and Mutengene over the past few weeks.

The assistance includes:

A. Food items: Rice, Vegetables Oil, Spaghetti and more

B. Sanitary essentials: Metrasses, Savon Omo, Buckets, Toothbrush, Sanitary pads for female of age. Beside free medical care was provide to them, etc

According to According to Mr Nchanji Roland Njeba, founder and President of CCHRHA, “This initiative is about giving back to the community. I’m grateful to our partners, both local and international, for their unwavering support.”

CCHRHA is headquartered in Tiko Subdivision, Fako Division, SWR. Cameroon.

Credit: Luam Valentine Ndze

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