Construction of the Likomba bridge in full gear

It is better to be late than never. Gradually the people of Likomba a neighborhood in Tiko Municipality are seeing into reality that mayor HRH Peter Ikome Mesoso III of Tiko council is someone who talks and do.

The construction of a bridge over the Ndongo river in Likomba will soon be a reality as the engineers for the project are bent on respecting the deadline so that before June 2023 the population of Likomba can move with their goods and services freely.

It should be noted that for decades now it has not been easy with the movement of persons, goods and services across the old bridge which was a nightmare to the population.

When the contractor came for the demolition of the old bridge, Mayor HRH Peter Ikome Mesoso III told the people of Likomba that 2023 is their year as concern projects to be carried out by Tiko council.

Of recent, Tiko council headed by HRH Peter Ikome Mesoso III and his team were on the field to paved way for the rehabilitation of roads in Likomba, from the bridge through the market down to the end of pavement.

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