Kanye Sanam Dian, the young lady, in Likomba, Tiko, South West Region of Cameroon who was accused of allegedly drugging her 6-month-old baby who later died has been released.
Dian says she is not guilty and did not kill her son that “she loves so much.”
She and her lawyers say the baby, Rayan Joseph was unwell and unfortunately died on the night of Sunday, January 22nd.
“I have never taken any drugs, I was at home with my child and I will never harm him,” she declared after her release.
Dian’s release comes after neighbours and her landlord testified in her favour.
Watch video below about her narrating what happened.
Video Credit: Mimi Mefo Info

Mary Ndinge Lyonga is a marketing assistant at Eagle Wings and Spice Located at Mutengene, Tiko Road.
She was once a Volunteer at the Tiko Council Community Radio for a period of 3 months under the Leadership of Mme Sarah Nkongho as the Station Manager. She is a graduate from the department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Faculty of Social and Management Science, University of Buea.