The Mayor of Tiko Council, HRH Peter Ikome Mesoso III in a bid to bring order in the township taxi sector in the municipality, on Friday February 10th, 2023 educated the taxi drivers on new rules guiding their activities.
The meeting that took place at the Esplanade of the Tiko Council, was an opportunity for the Chief Shepherd of Tiko municipality to tell the taxi drivers happy New Year 2023. He brainstormed with the taxi drivers on innovations which has been introduced into the sector as a control team will be in the municipality in the days ahead for the exercise.
Mayor Mesoso III as usual gave the taxi drivers five hundred thousands (500, 000) FCFA to enjoy the Youth Day and called on them to be law abiding citizens.
The drivers through their President Egbe Samuel thanked the Mayor for summoning the meeting, appreciated him for such a gesture and called on the Lord Almighty to guide Mayor HRH Peter Ikome Mesoso III that they are behind him for the upcoming election in 2025.
On the issue of transport fare in the Municipality of Tiko, President Egbe Samuel made it clear that fare is 250 FCFA throughout the municipality as they are waiting for the government to give them any updates as to increased in fares.

Ivo Ngong Mua is the Station Manager of Tiko Council community radio and Communication Officer of Tiko Council.
Has been Editor in Chief at Revival Gospel Radio Buea and Sports Presenter CMTV Buea. Presently Second Vice President Sports Journalists Association SW. Been practicing journalism since 2004.