Tiko Council and Humaniforest Organization signs MOU to fight Malaria in the municipality.

Denizens of Tiko Municipality will in the days ahead say goodbye to the number one killer disease in Africa: Malaria while the population of Likomba, a neighborhood in the gateway municipality will be all smiles as they are to benefit from a water project.

This comes as a result of the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Tiko Council and Humaniforest Organization.

The MOU which comprises of the Rollback Malaria Project and Likomba Water Project has as main aim to eradicate Malaria through the use of Eavetubes insecticide ( already in use in 3 African countries; Ivory Coast, Uganda and Tanzania).

The Lord Mayor of the Tiko Council, HRH Chief Peter Ikome Mesoso III, Chief Shepherd of the gateway municipality who signed on behalf of the people of Tiko was more than happy to do so as the water scarcity in Likomba and the threat malaria posed to the population had been a thorn in his flesh and that of his technical team and had been giving him sleepless nights.

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