Meet Tiko-based social entrepreneur Mukoko Tanga John.

Mukoko Tanga John is a holder of Higher Professional Diploma in Human Resource Management, a Bachelor Degree Holder in Human Resource Management, presently doing Master in International Relation.

He is the Founder of Mukoko’s Hope Foundation, a Tiko-based NGO, with a vision to alleviate poverty through sustainable human development activities in connection with its focus areas (Health, Education and Agriculture).

Over the years, Mukoko’s Hope Foundation (MUKHOF) has been actively involved in several major activities. Each one of its activity is undertaken with the intention of reaching its core vision and mission: to alleviate poverty through sustainable human development activities and to provide people in our community with opportunities and platforms that give them the power and ability to develop their full potentials and contribute in nation building.

Through Mukoko’s Hope Foundation, Tiko Got Talent was created with the aim of providing a platform where young, talented and gifted youths in Tiko and beyond can conveniently showcase their talents before a wide range of audience while improving livelihoods thereby demonstrating talent as a vital tool for community development.

Mukoko Tanga John is also the Deputy President of GHS Motombolombo school management board committee, Deputy President of Tiko Municipal Councilor, an Adjudicator in the debate Regional circuit in Cameroon, a global youth ambassador and a seasonal Consultant of MUKHOF consultancy firm.

He is passionate in bringing change in his community Tiko as he believes that if change needs to happen they the youths must make it happen.

Learn more about the works of his NGO here ?

Learn more about his NGO’s talent initiative here ?

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