One Tiko United donates structure to CMA Tiko Town

A non-profit organization known as One Tiko United made up of persons born in Tiko, based…

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The Friendship Circle donates modern beds to Tiko District Hospital

The Friendship Circle (TFC) today Wednesday January 17th, 2024 donated modern hospital beds to some five…

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Dr. Wader donates medications to Tiko Council

The Mayor of Tiko Council, HRH Peter Ikome Mesoso III on Friday January 5th, 2023 received…

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Regina Pacis Hospital Mutengene gets Centre for Diabetes and Hypertension.

Statistics have shown an increase in the number of diabetic and hypertensive patients  in the society…

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ASDEM makes laudable donation to CMA Mutengene.

The Association for Sustainable Development of Mutengene, better known by its acronym ASDEM has donated hospital…

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FEDO Tiko donates to the Tiko District hospital.

The Fako Elite and Development Organization, FEDO Tiko branch has donated items to the Tiko District…

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Torrential rains paralyze activities at CMA Tiko Town.

The structure of CMA Tiko Town popularly known as NA hospital has been heavily affected by…

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Maflekumen’s Founder Dr. Anslem Akume Ewang gets elected 3rd National Adviser for NAPHEI.

The Founder/CEO of the entrepreneurial University of Tiko, Maflekumen Higher Institute of Health Sciences,Dr. Anslem Akume…

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Hygiene and Sanitation heads of some councils in Fako Division educated on Cholera.

Hygiene and sanitation heads from four councils in Fako Division, South West region have received lectures…

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Tiko Council and Humaniforest Organization signs MOU to fight Malaria in the municipality.

Denizens of Tiko Municipality will in the days ahead say goodbye to the number one killer…

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