Hon. Fritz Ngeka Etoke donates big to Tiko United FC

Hon. Fritz Ngeka Etoke has made good on his promise to fans and management of Tiko…

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Tiko’s Mayor HRH Peter Ikome Mesoso III joins other Fako chiefs to bless 2023 Mount Cameroon Race of Hope

The Lion of Tiko, the Lord Mayor, HRH Peter Ikome Mesoso III was part of the…

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Tiko Council and Humaniforest Organization signs MOU to fight Malaria in the municipality.

Denizens of Tiko Municipality will in the days ahead say goodbye to the number one killer…

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Tiko Council takes decentralization policy to the Tiko wharf

Tiko Council in order to make the population to know more about decentralization, Tuesday February 21st…

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Former Tiko United FC coach Gerard Mbimi dies at 74.

Cameroon’s football family is saddened by the death of legendary coach, Gerard Mbimi who passed away…

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Bishop Michael Bibi of Buea Diocese visits, prays and consoles wounded CDC workers.

The Bishop of Buea, His Lordship Michael Bibi, has visited workers of the Cameroon Development Corporation…

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Tiko youth Finjap Peter develops mobile app to promote quality education through gamification.

Finjap Peter is a young dynamic Computer Engineer from Tiko and Founder/CEO of Touko Banix Incorporated,…

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Bishop Michael Bibi of Buea Diocese weeps for massacred CDC workers

The Bishop of the Diocese of Buea, His Lordship Michael Bibi, has condemned in strong terms…

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All is now set for the Mutengene ring road.

The construction and tarring of a ring road in Mutengene, a cosmopolitan town in Tiko municipality…

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Who is Faith Fidel? Cameroon’s fast-rising actress.

Faith Fidel is a fast rising actress based in Tiko, South West region of Cameroon. She…

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